February 17, 2021
For any company looking to make a difference in the green economy, it’s vital to think about communication. We would say this – we’ve been helping innovators in energy and sustainability to tell their story for more than 12 years.
Don’t be put off by the size of your business or by cost. Remember:
Governments and experts have been discussing climate change since the Rio summit in 1992 and will do so again in November this year in Glasgow at COP26.
Every UN country has signed up for the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals for achieving real progress that doesn’t leave people behind… (below)
Whatever your views on their actions, support for Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion shows young people get the challenge.
The UK is a hotbed of new concepts and technologies to confront climate change – we’ve worked with some of the best. The challenge is turning ideas into business reality. Investors are dropping dirty industries for green alternatives. The UK is the global centre for ESG (environment, social and governance) finance.
As shown in the Government’s Energy White Paper and Ten-point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, the UK is building a green economy, advancing industries such energy storage, creating 250,000 new jobs. It’s a big opportunity.
So think about…
It’s all about communication.
Leave any comments below. And if you’d like to talk – go to allertoncomms.co.uk or contact us by social media, email or phone.